Friday, 8 April 2011

Evaluation Question 2!

Question2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product represents the C2 and D social groups because of the jobs they have (of skilled and semi skilled manual workers, supervisory or clerical workers and junior managers) and the amount of money they earn, which could affect their interests and tastes. C2 is also the largest social group so my product will reach a wide audience.

My cover represents these social groups through the clothes my female model is wearing as she is dressed in a high street dress which the C2 and D social groups could afford. My model is also in a more natural position not totally styled and airbrushed. The location isn’t very fancy; it is just a plain slightly patterned backdrop, which shows how my product isn’t the type to go to expensive location for a cover shoot. The cover also doesn’t look very posh or serious so would attract my desired social groups.

The Articles featured in my product are also representative of C2 and D social groups as they aren’t serious or loads to read which isn’t what these groups want when they have been working or have the day off. Also the artists featured in my product such as Katy Perry and Bruno Mars are very popular with these social groups so my product is representative of what they like. The way my male model in my double page spread is dressed is also a good representation as he too is wearing high street clothes that my social groups can afford to buy and wear themselves.

The whole look and vibe of my product is quite relaxed as well so the C2 and D classes would want to read it. The bright colours and simple layout represents them well.

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